Wednesday, May 9, 2012

2 month checkup

Ok so I've been really bad at taking pictures these days and so I don't have a pic to post, but I wanted to document Robbie's 2 month check up before I forget.  He went in for his 2 month check up 2 weeks late so we could get his doc, she just had a baby and is only going in the office every so often anyways so he was almost 2 months and 2 weeks old.  He weighed 10lbs and 9oz, which makes him in the 8th percentile in weight.  He is still tiny, but oh so cute! I guess my babies like to come out big but get little and stay petite.

He is still super easy. I call him my dream baby.  He rarely fusses and when he does its super easy to calm him down by either feeding him, giving him a pacifier or holding him.  Robbie is now sleeping 8-10 hours every night! Can you believe that, I am still in shock, I have a newborn and I don't have to get up in the middle of the night to feed or rock or anything EVER! Its unbelievable and so awesome.  We feel so incredibly blessed and so lucky to have him in our lives.  He is smiling so much now and coo'ing, he is much more alert and awake during the day too.  Robbie is holding his head up so good and is so strong, I love that he can now follow us around with his eyes when we walk around him.  It is so fun having a baby in the home again, It really just melts my heart each day.  On Sunday he was blessed (I'll try to get pic's up as soon as my sister sends us the pics she took) and I got up to bear my testimony and I sobbed the entire time from even before I got up to the stand, my heart was so full and I am so blessed in life to have my perfect family and the gospel.

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