Friday, March 23, 2012

Poor sick Robbie!

So I know this is a little old but I wanted to post it since this is pretty much my journal. Feel free to read or not.

Robbie has been such a good little baby. Since day one he would just sleep all day and he eat so great. At night he will sleep 3-4 hours, wake up eat and go right back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. He doesn't fuss much at all.
Well Makayla had gotten pneumonia and a double ear infection right after bringing Robbie home from the hospital after he was born and everyone in our home got sick so he was bound to get sick too. He was 2 weeks old and got a stuffy nose and started getting a fever. One night he felt warm so we took his temp and it was 99.8 so that got us a little worried because he is so young, we decided to keep an eye on him. We put him to bed and when he woke up to eat at midnight he felt even warmer so we took his temp again and it was 105, we didn't want to take any chances so we took him to the children's ER. Well I took him to the ER, Robert stayed home with Makayla there was no reason to wake her up just to have her sit in the hospital and because I'm breastfeeding I went. Well right when I got there they immediately took us back and took his temperature again. By that time it had jumped to 108. They told me because he was only 2 weeks old they would have to do the "work" to make sure everything was okay and rule out anything super serious.
They first started with getting blood which consisted of them having to poke him in 3 different parts of his arm because they couldn't get any blood out. He screamed and I eventually cried and it took 45 min. I thought that was bad,
Then they went onto doing a catheter to get a urine sample and he cried
then they told me they had to do a spinal tap. I started to really freak out inside. I asked a bunch of questions because obviously I don't want my baby to get paralyzed at 2 weeks old if something went wrong and the doc reassured me he had done it thousands of times and nothing has happened to one of his patients and there was no choice in the matter he had to get it done so I sat in the room and watched him get crunched into a ball and scream his poor little lungs out.
then they had to put tubes into his nose to check for RSV and at that time when they told me it looks pretty scary, I decided I have had enough and could not watch anymore, so I left the room but could hear him crying.
Oh how all that was so traumatizing for me and my little bean. After all that it was the waiting game. Robbie fell asleep and I stayed in there just comforting him. The doc came in and told us he was RSV positive and would need to be admitted to the hospital for at least 48 hours because of his urine sample it takes that long for bacteria to grow on it if there would be any and they wanted to monitor him with the RSV and from the spinal tap. at around 5 in the morning we were able to get a room and it was a long 3 days with rob and I taking turns staying and going home with makayla. I was able to go home and take a shower and nap then going right back to the hospital.
Thank goodness he is all better now!!
We had so much support from our ward, we got meals brought to us which was a big help especially while I was in the hospital with him my hubby and daughter was able to be fed. We are so greatful to be in such a good ward!


  1. You are super mom Ashley. Good job dealing with the whole situation and still a new mom. I also would have been crying like crazy, so way to go! A couple of weeks after delivery is not the best time to have your baby get sick. I am glad he recovered well and that your family was well taken care of!

  2. And that comment was from Cassie, not Rex. Rex was just signed it. :)
