Sunday, February 27, 2011

Big Girl!

Makayla turned 2!!
I cant believe my little baby is now 2 years old! Wow how time flies when you have a kid. For her birthday breakfast she got a bit spoiled and got to eat her favorite breakfast. She ate a chocolate doughnut with chocolate frosting and chocolate milk. And she loved ever bit of it!!

We had such a fun day. Her birthday was on Wednesday which was the day Robert gets to work from home so he was able to spend the day with us so that was great. After breakfast she opened her presents which she got a tricycle and a few other little toys, then we went to the park where she played with some friends

after the park we went to McDonald's for some lunch, ice cream and playing on the playground. It was so much fun!

She absolutely loves her tricycle!!

We decided not to throw a party this year so we spend the night playing and she had her favorite dinner which is pancakes, then she helped me make cupcakes and frosting and ended the night with more fun and lots of hugs and kisses!
She just amazed me at how much she is learning day by day. Her vocabulary is expanding everyday and she is becoming the sweetest little thing. She spends most nights kissing us non stop and let me tell you she kisses the cutest, she now kisses with closed mouth and little fish lips ugh we LOVE it!
Here are a few of her favorite things to do...
-Dance (she LOVES to dance)
-Read books
-Pray (she says her own quick little prayer in her cute gibberish) so cute
-Give lots of hugs and kisses
-Find little stuffed animals or toys and hold them so dear to her face and sleep with them and give them lots of kisses (she is very much into kissing these days)
-Sing songs (may not be saying actual words but she thinks she is singing)
-Play at the park multiple times a day
-And help mommy clean like sweeping, vacuuming, and putting things away
Our sweet Makayla is such a blessing in our lives and we just love her so much! Happy Birthday Toots! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!


  1. Oh...I love the tricycle, what a fun gift! She looks like such a big girl in these pics and so cute.

  2. HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY MAKAYLA!!! What a great day! Glad you were all able to spend it together. She's a sweetie!
