Monday, August 2, 2010

Grand Canyon 2010

okay so our camera broke sometime during one of our trips and it lost all of our pictures =( so here are just a few that I got from some of my family of our Grand Canyon Trip. We have had such a great summer. We went to Jamaica, California a few times, Utah, Flagstaff, and the Grand Canyon. It has been very busy for us, but we are now home and enjoying our relaxing time.

The views were amazing, it was Roberts first time going to the Grand Canyon so it was great experiencing it again with him and Makayla. (we watched her like a hawk) it is pretty dang scary bringing kids there but we all survived!
We had the Sorensen family reunion in Flagstaff and had a great time. It was a little interesting camping in a tent with Makayla for the first time. Lets just say we probably wont be camping for quite a while, but it was still great being with family. Luckily after the Reunion my parents and brothers stayed in a cabin the rest of the time so it was pretty fun.

all in all we had a wonderful time on all our different vacations. We got to be with Robs family in Utah where Makayla got to hang out with her cousins which she loved. We all went to Lagoon and had lots of fun, and we got to visit our good friends Russ and Kristen and their little boy Baylor who we hadn't seen since before we even got pregnant with our kids so it was awesome to see them as well. It was great going to Cali for the Millers reunion and hanging out at the beach (even though it was overcast most of the time). I'm sad all our vacations are over until thanksgiving and Christmas, but I do have to say how happy we are to not be driving anymore. Makayla did not to well in the car. I hate that we live so far from all our family from both sides, but feel so lucky and blessed to have each one of them in our lives and for all their support. Thanks everyone for making our trips so memorable (even if I couldn't capture them on camera)


  1. I bet you were watching her like a hawk. I would have been freaking out, but what a fun experience! I have yet to see the Grand Canyon.

  2. You have had one crazy/busy summer!! What fun memories. I'm so glad we were able to finally see you guys!
