I got my hair cut!! I know so weird right? I cant believe I had the guts to do it, and I'm still nervous about it, but I'm glad I wont have to deal with tangled hair this summer when swimming =) plus it always grows back. Oh and anther thing.....notice anything a bit different other than the hair?
Ok I'll tell you I got my braces off! I'm so happy those suckers are finally gone!
ok on to other things poor Makayla has been getting crazy hives all over her whole body for the past 3 days. I took her into the doc and she said it was from her cold virus and there is nothing they can do except continue to give her Benadryl. If it continues to come in 2 weeks then she'll need to get a steroid shot. Hopefully it disappears soon cuz it covers her ENTIRE body. Also when at the doc they discovered she has an ear infection. Boo cold, ear infection and hives=no fun
More news
Makayla has been in dance for a month now and is loving it. The first couple weeks were a little difficult
cuz she
doesn't love the tap part of it, but she is doing so great at the ballet and tumble. It is so cute to watch her
during the week do her tap and ballet moves. It sure makes us feel very proud that she likes it and is wanting to learn and do the moves outside of dance.
how cute is she in her ballet outfit? and her and her friend are in the same class (we signed them up together -)I'll have to post a pic of kaylas tap outfit too cuz it is super cute. Can you tell I LOVE that my little girl is in dance
Last but not least just wanted to post the sweetest picture of my two loves! They are so cute