Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cute kiddos

Robbie turned 2 months today!! He is too stinking cute.  He is learning to smile and I can just eat him up! That is one of my favorite parts of having an infant their first smiles. Robbie still loves to eat and sleep a lot and he has been such a joy! He now sleeps 6-7 hours at night wakes up to eat and goes back to sleep for another couple of hours. It is crazy how night and day him and Makayla are. 

 Makayla still loves him to pieces.  She has really exceeded my expectations on how she is with him.  She never tries to pick him up, she just loves to kiss him and give him pacifiers when he cries.  She really is an amazing big sister and we feel incredibly lucky and blessed to have these 2 cute children.

 Makayla had her swim lessons this year and she LOVED it up until the last 2 days hehe.  She had swim mon, tue, and wed for 3 weeks.  Fun story....the first day of swim, the first 2 min we had got there she got into the water, the teacher said hi, then took off to take one of the kids to practice kicks, well makayla didn't see where the ledge had ended and fell in the water.  I was right there watching trying to get the teachers attention without looking to dramatic, but I realized she wasn't going to get her in time, so I had to jump into the pool in all my clothes to pull her out.  Yeah the first 2 min of swim and I was drenched.  She found out quickly where the ledge ended and didn't go off again hehe. All in all she has a blast and had so much fun.  The teachers were pretty intense which is what I like and she learned a lot. She is not fully swimming, but practice makes perfect and she is pretty darn close.

 Oh how I will never get sick of looking into Makayla's beautiful blue eyes!

Baby boy is cuter than ever.  I woke up to him sleeping in bed with us one morning.  I had nursed him in bed at 6 and we woke up at 8 and he was sleeping like this.  So cute!! (he doesn't sleep with us in bed only the morning feeding is when I bring him into our room so I can nurse in bed and sleep some more)

I cant believe how blessed I am.  I have the greatest husband and sweetest kids.  I had 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday and Rob has been such a help.  I have to pump and dump and he has been feeding Robbie a bottle (which is so cute) and taking such good care of me and the kids.  He woke up sick this morning and that really sucks, but hopefully its a quick sickness.  He's so funny and while I didn't get "put to sleep" for the wisdom teeth removal, I did take a sedative to calm my nerves and help me get sleepy and needless to say I was pretty loopy! ha I took it an hour before my procedure while at home and Rob decided to record me for a bit. lol He said I was pretty funny and yet stubborn, He told me to sit down so he could get the kids ready and he would help me downstairs and I guess I tried to go downstairs by myself, but he found me in the guest bathroom on the tub ledge I told him I tried to make it downstairs and I couldn't stop walking so I ran straight into the bathroom haha Oh how I wished that was recorded.  I'm not going to lie it feels good to feel normal again but I'm grateful for strong drugs for getting wisdom teeth out awake cuz I was in and out of sleep and barely remember anything. I am still in pain and cant eat much but that's whats to be expected from getting teeth removed, although recovery is not as bad as I was thought it would be thank goodness.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are all adjusting so well! Robbie sounds like he's a great baby. And it's good to hear Makayla is adjusting and being a great big sister.

    I can't believe you had to jump in to get her at her swim lesson!!! CRAZY! but good lesson learned :)
